Obsolete electronic components are components that are no longer supported by the manufacturers and have reached the end of their technically-supported lifespan. Although, some of them still hold a residual value. Here comes the need for an obsolete electronic distributor.
GreenTree Electronics is one of the obsolete
electronic component suppliers who purchase such parts and
warehouse them. GreenTree Electronics is the leading distributors and representatives.
They possess 20 years of experience in this industry.
GreenTree Electronics is expertise in the
programmable logic device (FPGA, CPLD) and memories and is a distributor
of IC's. They provide a solution to tier-1 OEM's and CM’s. They provide
quality inspection by microscopic inspection, electrical measurement, marking
permanency, dimensions measurement, compliance to order, and date sheet. They
also supply original components with a function-fit-form warranty.
GreenTree Electronics is a distributor
of integrated circuits and expertise in micro-processor and DSP
for embedded systems, networking, imaging, and video. They also possess a
service license agreement with white horse laboratories for testing and
authenticating electronic components.
GreenTree Electronics provides services
including electronics
components testing services and visual inspection, X-ray, de-
capsulation, functional testing, and electrical testing. They also maintain a
documented vendor qualification, with up-to-date certification. GreenTree
electronics specializes in providing reliable and authenticated obsolete
electronic components with traceability or authentication tests by
customer requirement document.
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