Electronic Components:
Electronic Components are the physical entity present in any electronic device or system which affects its associated fields or electrons (mostly industrial products). Electronic components contain leads or electric terminals used to connect with other electronic components to create an electronic circuit. These circuits can perform a particular function like amplify, oscillate, etc.
Electronic Components Distributor:
Distributor of Electronic Components are part of a supply chain, offer the required components to electronic equipment manufacturers.
Types of Electronic Components:
There are two types of Electronic Components.
- Active Component: Active components usually insert power into the circuit. It depends on the source of energy. It includes amplifying components like Transistors, Integrated Circuits (IC), Logic Gates, etc.
- Passive Component: Passive components cannot inject net energy into the circuit. It does not depend on the source of energy. It includes Capacitors, Resistors, Inductors, etc.
Some Electronic Components with their Functionality:
- Integrated Circuits or ICs: An integrated circuit (IC) can function as an oscillator, amplifier, computer memory, etc.
- Transistors: It is a semiconductor device used to amplify electrical power and electronic signals.
- Semiconductors: It functions as a hybrid of an insulator and conductor.
- Capacitors: It is used to release and store electricity in a circuit.
- Resistors: It is used to reduce the flow of current, adjust signal levels, divide voltages, etc.
- Magnetic or Inductive Components: It is used to alter current.
- Terminals and Connectors: It is used to transfer electrical current from a power.